Optional Parsers

check-jsonschema comes with out-of-the-box support for the JSON and YAML file formats. Additional optional parsers may be installed, and are supported when present.


  • Supported for Instances: yes

  • Supported for Schemas: yes

In order to support JSON5 files, either the pyjson5 or json5 package must be installed.

In pre-commit-config.yaml, this can be done with additional_dependencies. For example,

- repo: https://github.com/python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema
  rev: 0.28.3
    - id: check-renovate
      additional_dependencies: ['pyjson5']



In the latest versions of check-jsonschema, the TOML parser is no longer optional. It is always available, using tomli or tomllib depending on the environment.

  • Supported for Instances: yes

  • Supported for Schemas: no

In order to support TOML files, the tomli package must be installed.

In pre-commit-config.yaml, this can be done with additional_dependencies. For example,

- repo: https://github.com/python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema
  rev: 0.28.3
    - id: check-jsonschema
      name: 'Check GitHub Workflows'
      files: ^mydata/
      types_or: [toml]
      args: ['--schemafile', 'schemas/toml-data.json']
      additional_dependencies: ['tomli']

The TOML format has support for dates and times as first-class types, meaning that they are parsed as part of the data format.

check-jsonschema will convert the parsed data back into strings so that they can be checked by a schema. In general, the string conversion should be checkable using "format": "date-time", "format": "date", and "format": "time".